The fabulous five at Friends and Fiction are delighted to announce the Winter 2020 and Spring 2021 Lineup!
Get ready, and join in the fun! Facebook LIVE.
Breaking News. Fun ways to watch and listen.
We Are Now on YouTube!
The F&F YouTube Channel is now up and running. Did you miss an episode?
Want to re-watch one of your favorites? Not on Facebook but still want to tune in each week? Problem solved! Now all of our episode videos are published on our YouTube Channel. And starting tonight we will be simulcasting our live episodes to BOTH our Facebook Group page via Facebook Live AND to our YouTube Channel. SUBSCRIBE TODAY!
Follow us on Instagram!
F&F made their Instagram debut last week.
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Did you know Friends and Fiction is now a Podcast?
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Never fear! Our weekly Facebook Live web show is not going anywhere! But we have been working hard to also produce our weekly episodes in audio-only format. So, the episodes we’ve recorded will be up on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, and all other major podcasting platforms. You can listen, subscribe, rate, and share wherever you download podcasts. Not in front of the computer to watch? Pop in your ear buds and listen in. Have a road trip planned that’s taking you away from your screen time? Take Friends & Fiction along for the ride! Read More
Five Bestselling Authors. Endless Stories.

Patti Callahan is the co-creator and co-host of the weekly web show and podcast Friends and Fiction featuring the five bestselling authors Mary Kay Andrews, Kristy Woodson Harvey, Kristin Harmel, and Mary Alice Monroe with endless stories, special guests, and a way to connect readers and writers.
About Friends & Fiction
We’re five bestselling novelists and friends whose common love of reading, writing, and independent bookstores bound us together. Now we want to share and celebrate stories—of the books we’ve written, the ones we’re reading now, and the art of writing—with each other and the guest authors we invite to join us. If you love books and are curious about the writing world, you’re in the right place. Visit our Website