How do we stay grounded when chaos is everywhere?
Dear Friends,
My life has been tipped over in so many ways, and I’ve spent the past few months finding that the two things that have absorbed me the most have a metaphor hidden inside—house renovation and book renovation—View Instagram post. The house: I look around, and I can’t believe the destruction I have wrought on my home and life by upending things in the hope that it will be better when it is finished (before and after to come). The book: I look at it and can’t believe the mess I’ve made by upending a story I started almost two years ago and hoping it will be better when I am finished. I feel lost on both fronts but believe they will turn out just as I imagined (or a close proximity).
Fall Inspiration
I’ve needed things to keep me grounded and inspired, and as Autumn starts to tinge the air, I’m here to tell you some of my favorites.
Back to Nature: The Comfort of Crows is a gorgeous collection of essays on noticing the natural world around us. With lines like, “ Stop and listen to the ragged-edged beech leaves, pale specters of the winter forest.”, I am brought back to myself and to the natural world. Podcast: On Being with Kate Bowler. On Being has consistently been my favorite podcast (aside from Friends and Fiction of course) and they are now off hiatus with a brand-new episode with the deeply wise Kat Bowler who wrote Everything Happens for a Reason and Other Lies I’ve Loved. Fiction: An oldie but a missed one: The Shell Seekers by Rosamunde Pilcher. During the book tour, I was asked many times, “Have you read The Shell Seekers?” I listened to my readers, and I finally grabbed this monster bestseller. It is so beautiful and took me to the English countryside with a family I already miss. Music: Corrina, the daughter of Vince Gill and Amy Grant has come out with her own music, which is simply awe-inspiring. Daily Reminders: From the author of The Creative Act: A Way of Being, Rick Rubin, on Instagram about a life of creativity. He posts every day, and then it disappears – a reminder of our creative forces and the ability to let them go.
Fall Book Tour
Meanwhile, for The Secret Book of Flora Lea, I’ve spent an amazing afternoon in Selma, Alabama at the library, and have several fall book festivals and events coming up! I hope you can join me.
Author Patti Callahan Henry opens Lunch at Library series Author Patti Callahan Henry poses for a photo with her latest book at the Selma-Dallas County Public Library. Sunday, September 24, 2023 By James Jones THE SELMA TIMES JOURNAL New York Times Best-selling Author Patti Callahan Henry opened the Selma and Dallas County Public Library's Lunch at the Library series for 2023.

The Secret Book of
Flora Lea Links
Flora Lea News
Moms Don't Have Time to Read Books Podcast InterviewWhat an absolute delight to talk to @juliewriteswords for Moms Don't Have Time to Read Books podcast! 🎙️ New podcast episode with @pattichenry, author of THE SECRET BOOK OF FLORA LEA! 🎧 Listen (wherever you get your podcasts) now!
CBCListen Live Radio: The Homestretch with Chris dela Torre, Jenny HoweLIVE RADIO Our books columnist Anne Logan is back to talk about one of her favourite genres: books about books. Aired: Aug. 22, 2023 Featuring The Secret Book of Flora Lea by Patti Callahan Henry Read More about The Secret Book of Flora Lea THE GLOBE AND MAIL BESTSELLER INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER Can a fairytale solve the mystery of her lost sister?
Writer's Block Podcast: Patti with David Katz-Writing ConferencesWRITERS' BLOCK Patti Callahan Henry is joined by David Katz, Director and Chief Organizer of the Kauai Writer's Conference. Listeners are treated to a history of the conference, along with a deep discussion about why writing communities and conferences are so important to the writers, teachers and members of the publishing industry.
Friends & Fiction
Mary Kay Andrews and Friends & Fiction Wednesday, Oct 4, 2023 7pm EDT LIVE Carroll Community College Theatre Westminister, MD I'm grateful to Carroll County Public Library and the indie bookseller A Likely Story for hosting us. I can't wait to join MKA for this super fun event and look forward to seeing many of you there!
Fall 2023 Schedule
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Coming up this season on Friends & Fiction's weekly live web show. Join us each Wednesday at 7 pm EST on Friends and Fiction Facebook or YouTube! Support independent bookstores by buying books by the Friends & Fiction authors and their guests from the F&F store. Read More
Thank you always for being part of this fantastic reading community, and don’t forget to join me, Mary Kay, Kristy, and Kristin on Friends and Fiction, where we interview the most fascinating and buzz-worthy authors writing today. Always with love. —PCH