April 26, 2023 | April 2023 Newsletter PCH
I have news I’ve been keeping inside like a warm ember. Until today! I can finally tell you.
I’ve been thinking a lot about how our creative acts find a way into the world. When the creation is finished, when the copy edits are done, when the cover is designed, and the printer has burned its ink onto paper, my creative act is finished and yours begins the act of reading the story and making it yours. So, with that understanding, that my work is done (except of course for going on the road to see YOU), I have been bursting at the seams for months to be able to say this: I am delighted and honored to announce that —
A Special B&N
Book Club Edition with colored endpapers and an exclusive essay written just for Barnes and Noble are included in the book.
AND Guess What? You can pre-order now for a limited time and save! Barnes & Noble 25% off Pre-order Promotion 4/26-4/28
JOIN ME! Tuesday, June 6, 2023 3:00 pm EDT Live Virtual Event Join Barnes & Noble as we welcome New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author Patti Callahan Henry for a live, virtual event to discuss our May B&N Book Club pick, THE SECRET BOOK OF FLORA LEA.
I have memories of sitting on the floor of my local Barnes and Noble with my children during story time, and of spending more than my weekly budget on books and notebooks and pencils; I remember wandering through the shelves and dreaming of my novel being there, and I remember the day my first novel came out in 2004 I went straight to BN and looked at it on the front table while my kids stood by my side, completely unimpressed while I felt something inside click into place: I was an author. It was legit. No matter what happened or how many books I did or didn’t write, this was real. My book was in BN.
But on May 2nd, I won’t just see The Secret Book of Flora Lea on the shelves at BN, I will spy it at the front of every store nationwide with the signage: OUR MAY BOOK CLUB PICK.
I am honored, grateful, and giddy with this news. I hope starting May 2nd you’ll go into the world and post pictures of Flora Lea in Barnes and Noble with her colored endpapers and gorgeous cover!
But that’s not all— so many other lovely things have happened in the past weeks!
The Secret Book of Flora Lea is:
And more to come…but for now, I am here to say I am so grateful and can’t wait for you to meet Hazel and Flora Lea, to enter Binsey and Whisperwood, and to find yourself lost in a story.

An Exclusive Pre-Order Package Just for YOU!
The first gift is a short story I wrote after I met the most enchanting ninety-two-year-old woman outside London.
The second gift is a photo travel journal of my weeks-long research trip in England.
"Another amazing, character-driven novel from Henry, who never disappoints with her books. A perfect beach read." —Red Carpet Crash
Join me on Book Tour—Live!
Signed first-edition copies
For signed bookplates, please mail a self-addressed stamped envelope to:
Patti Callahan Henry
1919 Oxmoor Road. PMB #303
Homewood, AL 35209