F&F Live 2023 Tour Dates! Join the Fab Four at Six In-Person Events!
Did you know that the four Friends & Fiction hosts and founders — Kristin Harmel, Kristy Woodson Harvey, Mary Kay Andrews & Patti Callahan Henry — are heading out together on a LIVE TOUR this year? There are SIX chances to meet and spend time with all four of them in-person at a series of super fun F&F Live events between April-October. Mark your calendars now! Tickets for some are already on sale—and going fast! The rest of the ticketing links will be up soon. See below for a chance to win a VIP ticket to the Charleston event on 5/1!
Columbus, OH! Wednesday, April 26th at 7pm! Columbus Metropolitan Library Celebrating their Sesquicentennial Author Series: Author Talks at Main Library 96 South Grant Ave. Columbus, OH
T FAST! Almost SOLD OUT! Charleston, SC! Monday, May 1st at 7pm! Celebrate the launch of Patti’s novel, THE SECRET BOOK OF FLORA LEA! Hosted by Buxton Books And The Charleston Place Live On-Stage at The Riviera Theater 227 King St. Charleston, SC
Get tickets NOW! Buy a regular ticket NOW and be ENTERED TO WIN an VIP upgrade!
Huntsville, AL! Tuesday, June 6th at 6:30pm! Celebrate the launch of Kristin’s novel, THE PARIS DAUGHTER! Hosted by The Snail on the Wall And The Huntsville Library Foundation Live On-Stage at Randolph's Thurber Arts Center 4915 Garth Rd. Huntsville, AL
Tampa, FL! Thursday, July 20th at 6:30pm! Celebrate the launch of Kristy’s novel, THE SUMMER OF SONGBIRDS! Oxford Exchange 420 W. Kennedy Blvd. Tampa, FL
Tuesday, August 1 — Beaufort, NC Join the Fab Four for a breast cancer fundraising event with Earlier.org. Ticket link coming soon!
Wednesday, October 4 — Darien, CT Join the Fab Four at Darien Library to celebrate the launch of Mary Kay’s BRIGHT LIGHTS, BIG CHRISTMAS. Ticket link coming soon!